Hello everybody, I'm new to the forum but not new to Excel.

I'd appreciate some help regarding the INDIRECT function. Basically what I am trying to do is the following:

I have 2 workbooks located in the same directory named 'Club Members' and 'Tickets' which I want to link without making use of any fixed values. The corresponding worksheets are named 'Membership List' and 'Sheet1' respectively. 'Sheet1' gets data from 'Membership List'.

The working is done in 'Sheet1' and I am using cell K350 purely as an example.
='[Club members.xlsm]Membership List'!$K$350

What I need to do is substitute cell K350 with a variable and after reading other examples in some other inactive threads I understand that this is achieved with the INDIRECT function. I have achieved this so far however it seems I can't figure out the appropriate syntax for the INDIRECT function.

Inside 'Sheet1' -
In cell A1 I put the path as a string ----> '[Club members.xlsm]Membership List'!
In cell A2 I put the variable ----> 200
In cell A3 I put the INDIRECT function ---> =INDIRECT("'" & $A$1 & "'!A2")

I'm really not sure about the syntax of cell A3 though.

I want to use the variable in cell A2 so Excel considers it as ='[Club members.xlsm]Membership List'!$K$200.
I am getting a ZERO though. The source workbook 'Club Members' was open all the time.

Any help pointing me in the right direction is much appreciated thanks guys