Hello all,

I created a "calculator" to determine the lesser of value (I8) out of three different values (F7, F8, & F9), so that I can compare that smallest value (I8/F12) to the value I have on file (F15) for each client.
If there is a difference in those values, I need to know if it exists (I12) and the value of that difference, taking into account two threshold values (I13).

My calculator works just fine for each "threshold value" I am using.

However, when I attempt to combine my formulas, I get a #VALUE! error for GAP Required, which I am assuming it's because of the text in the string and a TRUE value for the Amount Required, when I'm actually looking for a numeric value.

Calculator Tab, $5000 threshold.

RMS Tab, $1000 Threshold
This are the formula's I combined that are proving to be troublesome, Sheet 1:

For purposes of this post, my attachment has THREE tabs. Tab 1 - Calculator with $5,000 threshold for specific account numbers. Tab 2 - Calculator with $1,000 threshold for specific account numbers. Tab 3 - Calculator with formulas above and combined formula as well to test.

Lesser Of Calculator 2.xlsx

Thank you for any and all help!