
I've been having this annoying problem and it's been driving me crazy.

Each time I try to replace part of an argument in a formula, or the whole argument, or reference to a range, some parts of the rest of the formula that follow the change, just disappear.

For example,
=IF(G2="all",COUNTIFS(Master[[RAG rating ]],"R",Master[Open/Closed],"Open",Master[Lead Service],G3),COUNTIFS(Master[[RAG rating ]],"R",Master[Open/Closed],"open",Master[LA],G2,Master[Lead Service],G3))

Let's say I want to replace Master[Lead Service],G3 with a different criterion - Master[Case manager],G4 - when I do that chunks of what follows would disappear - in this case - COUNTIFS will be gone.

I am using Excel 2007 and work with data formatted as table.

Please help

Thank you.