
I typed the formula below in one of my excel worksheets and it worked great. I dragged it across, no problem. But when I try to copy it to another cell, I get an error. If I insert a new row below the row where I typed the formula all the cells above change into the #VALUE error. Please help.

=SUM(SUMIFS('File PathSummary'!D:D,'File PathSummary'!$C:$C,{131,132,133,138}))

Apparently this is common when using SUMIFS in excel 97-2003 worksheets.

So I tried

= SUM(IF('File PathSummary'!$C:$C={131,132,133,138}, 'File PathSummary'!D:D,0))

But it is an array function and I want to avoid that.

Is there any other thing I can do?

Thanks in advance.