Hi all,

New to the forum and trying to figure out what I perceived to be a simple problem...At first. We have a excel template that was given to us by a state agency to use to invoice services provided. Every service has a id# associated. A row of the template would include date, client name, provider name, id#, rate for particular id#, etc...I created a second worksheet that is identical to the template to calculate the wage we pay a provider instead of using the rate we would receive. It references the template and copies info into cells but uses vlookup to find our rate for service (utilizes reference table) instead of using there rates. I set the worksheet to reference the sheet and if a referenced cell is blank, it produces a blank on the second worksheet. The only math calc used in the worksheet is a product formula to multiply our rate times the amount of hour/units. The problem is that if one of the cells is blank(that is used in multiplication), it produces the #value! error. I think it is important to know that the cells that are used to multiply have formulas that reference the template page. No numbers are entered into the second worksheet. I have scoured forums, help articles, and tried everything i know how to do. I have made multiple attempts to re-write the formula to produce a blank cell or even a 0. I am hoping that someone can make a suggestion or point me in the right direction. All help is welcomed!!