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Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

  1. #1
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    Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Hello, I am looking to get help, because this is a tricky one. So I have this spreadsheet and because our business is not automated in any ways we always have to enter data manually. So what I have already did I made 3 sheet workbook and I want it to be like following:

    Sheet1 - input the item you sold as you go ((its like up to 10 items a day)(Need help here)
    Sheet2 - automatically gives you result what to order (I have VB macros to sort, everything seems working fine here)
    Sheet3 - item list + stock list (all the formulas seem to be ok, everything works. Need to still link it to "Sheet1".

    So what I am trying to do, because here in our business there is old people working and they are looking to make it really simple. So in "Sheet1" if they enter HP 10 I want one to be removed from stock and then if stock is lower than reorder point it will automatically goes to "Sheet2" to reorder items. At the end of the day I can see what needs to be ordered in "Sheet2"

    I have finished everything apart from "Sheet1" I can't figure it out what do I do from here. Do you use index and match or macro or what?

    I would like so whenever person tries to type "HP 22 TRI-COLOUR" he won’t need to be 100% accurate only "HP 22 TRI" will work. Just to make it simple for older people in work here. So whenever someone enters HP 22 TRI it will remove 1 from the stock in Sheet2
    There is spreadsheet I have:

    Last edited by ergas003; 08-03-2016 at 04:31 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    So what I want to do is to enter data in first sheet "Name" or "Description" and mostly it will be description, because this is just a unique code on each item.

  3. #3
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    You will need to use VBA macro to decrement your "Quantity in Stock" level (column G).

    You might consider using the attached technique for Sheet1 (Selecting Order items)
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  4. #4
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnTopley View Post
    You will need to use VBA macro to decrement your "Quantity in Stock" level (column G).

    You might consider using the attached technique for Sheet1 (Selecting Order items)
    Thanks I think that is what I was looking for. Now I am just looking how to implement this in my current workbook. Any help appreciated.
    This is my latest document (Macro enabled)
    InventoryControl (1).xlsm
    Last edited by ergas003; 08-06-2016 at 05:39 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    A "prototype" for your order process:

    Code in "Sold Items";

    Right click on tab, "View Code" ==> copy/paste code

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    Code in a general module

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    I created a dynamic named range called "Products"

    Refers to: =OFFSET('Inventory List'!$D$5,,,COUNTA('Inventory List'!$D:$D),1)

    In "Sold Items" column A I have a Data Validation based on "Products"

    On selection of quantity, the "Check_Inventory" module is called from the "Worksheet_Change" in "Sold Items"

    If there is insufficient inventory for the order, a message is place in column C

    Changed "Order" tab to "Re-Order"
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    Last edited by JohnTopley; 08-06-2016 at 08:29 AM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnTopley View Post
    A "prototype" for your order process:

    Code in "Sold Items";

    Right click on tab, "View Code" ==> copy/paste code

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    Code in a general module

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    I created a dynamic named range called "Products"

    Refers to: =OFFSET('Inventory List'!$D$5,,,COUNTA('Inventory List'!$D:$D),1)

    In "Sold Items" column A I have a Data Validation based on "Products"

    On selection of quantity, the "Check_Inventory" module is called from the "Worksheet_Change" in "Sold Items"

    If there is insufficient inventory for the order, a message is place in column C

    Changed "Order" tab to "Re-Order"
    I really appreciate your time and help.

    I've tried using your prototype. But the problem I get is when I am inputting there is no feedback from excel. I mean it wont give me any suggestions and instead of HP 10 BLACK I can leave HP 10. I just want it to auto fill and wont allow me to misspell anything.

    And if possible, as soon as I input something in "Sold Items" would you be able to make it so it would automatically subtract one from inventory therefore it will automatically put me what to re-order on "Re Order" sheet. I don't know if this is possible I would like to have a similar drop list with suggestion and whenever you press enter it would automatically subtract one from inventory and also disappear after pressing enter.

    I want to leave it simple. I want to have only one input in this sheet. That is what have been sold everything else would be automatic. (But I want to keep stock lists and everything).
    Last edited by ergas003; 08-06-2016 at 11:10 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    At the moment, just before we close we have a large list of things we sold and we type it manually. It looks something like this:

    HP 78 TRI-COLOUR 1
    HP 301 BLACK XL 3
    HP 302 BLACK XL 1
    HP 364 BLACK XL 2
    HP 920 XL CYAN 1

    And then I have to change stock levels to this. And whenever I am off I will have to do almost full stock count just to ensure everything is ok, because I am the only one that have access to stock levels / reorder points etc... Therefore other staff is only able to edit what they have sold.

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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    The DV is there to select so you cannot misspell and it DOES amend the inventory.

    I just want it to auto fill....
    Not sure what you mean by the above

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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    I have changed the "Re-Order" sheet to use a formula so it will automatically update when re-order levels are reached.

    in A2

    =IFERROR(INDEX('Inventory List'!$D$5:$D$200,SMALL(IF('Inventory List'!$G$5:$G$200<='Inventory List'!$I$5:$I$200,ROW('Inventory List'!$G$5:$G$200)-ROW('Inventory List'!$G$5)+1,""),ROWS('Inventory List'!$G$5:G5))),"")

    I changed Data Validation to produce error alert if user types an entry which is not in the list e.g HP 10.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnTopley View Post
    The DV is there to select so you cannot misspell and it DOES amend the inventory.

    Not sure what you mean by the above
    I want text to auto fill. For example I type in HP 10 It will show me HP 10 BLACK and I just need to click it. I know I have a drop list to select, but I have 500 products that I will need to add to this sheet, therefore I think that would much more convenient way.

    And I still haven't been able to to make that "Sold Items" sheet would do what I want.

    I want sheet 1 "Sold Items" to be input for other sheets to automatically work (because I will password protect other sheets).

    If someone still does not understand what I am looking for imagine how shops work (big shops)

    Shop scans a product for a sale it goes automatically to their system to reorder and changes stock levels accordingly and at the end of the day they have a list of things to reorder so they place an order at the end of each day (Benefit of that, is that they can see how much stock is missing, what is popular etc...)

    That is what I am looking for, just with only entering products manually in sheet "Sold Items"

  11. #11
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnTopley View Post
    The DV is there to select so you cannot misspell and it DOES amend the inventory.

    Not sure what you mean by the above
    I want text to auto fill. For example I type in HP 10 It will show me HP 10 BLACK and I just need to click it. I know I have a drop list to select, but I have 500 products that I will need to add to this sheet, therefore I think that would much more convenient way.

    And I still haven't been able to to make that "Sold Items" sheet would do what I want.

    I want sheet 1 "Sold Items" to be input for other sheets to automatically work (because I will password protect other sheets).

    If someone still does not understand what I am looking for imagine how bigger retail shops work.

    Shop scans a product for a sale it goes automatically to their system to reorder and changes stock levels accordingly and at the end of the day they have a list of things to reorder so they place an order at the end of each day (Benefit of that, is that they can see how much stock is missing, what is popular etc...)

    That is what I am looking for, just with only entering products manually in sheet "Sold Items"

  12. #12
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Post a ample rather leave a blank sheet for us to "guess" what you want.

    Shop scans a product for a sale it goes automatically to their system to reorder and changes stock levels accordingly and at the end of the day they have a list of things to reorder so they place an order at the end of each day (Benefit of that, is that they can see how much stock is missing, what is popular etc...)
    As I have stated before this is what "sold items" does: and the "re-order" sheet lists all items where new stock is required.

    I want sheet 1 "Sold Items" to be input for other sheets to automatically work
    What other sheets? Please give a full explanation of your requirements.

    Do the following with attached "InventoryControl"

    in "Re_order" sheet HP 21 XL is shown as requiring re-ordering

    In "Inventory List" change HP 21 XL Stock qty to 10

    Go back to "Re-Order": HP 21 XL is no longer on the list,

    Go to "Sold Items"

    Select "HP 21 XL" with Qty 8

    Go to "Inventory List": HP 21 XL .... Stock Qty =2

    The attached shows how have a "searchable" drop down.
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    Last edited by JohnTopley; 08-08-2016 at 06:34 AM.

  13. #13
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnTopley View Post
    Post a ample rather leave a blank sheet for us to "guess" what you want.

    As I have stated before this is what "sold items" does: and the "re-order" sheet lists all items where new stock is required.

    What other sheets? Please give a full explanation of your requirements.

    Do the following with attached "InventoryControl"

    in "Re_order" sheet HP 21 XL is shown as requiring re-ordering

    In "Inventory List" change HP 21 XL Stock qty to 10

    Go back to "Re-Order": HP 21 XL is no longer on the list,

    Go to "Sold Items"

    Select "HP 21 XL" with Qty 8

    Go to "Inventory List": HP 21 XL .... Stock Qty =2

    The attached shows how have a "searchable" drop down.
    Thanks for explaining how your spreadsheet works. That is what I am looking for, but the problem is I get error whenever I try to search. I will have to use arrow to open drop list and then select it.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkPoViUhkxU this is what I am looking for "new" method.

    The other sheets wont be touched at all. I want to make this fully automatic in future with barcodes, but for now business is slow in retail therefore they can input manually.
    I've tried to enter data not fully completed for example "HP 11" and this is error I got. abb5b2cf20dbd11c705d86b60d465196.png

    It is just a simple drop list. But as I said we have almost 1000 items in stock and whenever ill put everything in this document, this search drop list will be really hard to follow.

    Nerveless I appreciate all your help, you are guiding me to the right path.

  14. #14
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    You need to apply the "searchable" drop down logic: the current drop down does not have this and only allows to type in a FULL description.

  15. #15
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    Re: Excel Help with Stock Control/Sales/Re-ordering

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnTopley View Post
    You need to apply the "searchable" drop down logic: the current drop down does not have this and only allows to type in a FULL description.
    I have tried applying the searchable drop down logic, but by doing so worksheet one does not work as same.


    This is what I am trying to achieve.
    Last edited by ergas003; 08-10-2016 at 05:19 AM.

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