
I am aware you can have Excel change a cell's fill colour depending on it's value. But can you have a cell change it's colour depending on another cell's value.

What I am trying to achieve is a football scores prediction / results table. In the first cell (A1) I predict how many goals the home team will score. The second (A2) with the total goals the away team will score. In (A3) and (A4) I will put the actual home and away goal totals after the game is over. When I update the third and fourth column after full time, I would like the first and second cell to change their fill colour on how close I was. So if i predict the home team to score 1 goal, and it is correct, I put a "1" in A3 and A1 gets filled green. If I predicted the home team to score to score 5 in A1, and I enter "1" in to A3, A1 fills red.

Just to make it more complicated I wondered if my prediction (A1 and A2) was within 1 goal (so I predict 2 goals for the home team, and they score 1 or 3) the cell could fill orange?

Basically I could do my predictions, at full time enter all of the actual results and columns 1 + 2 colour fill themselves on how close I was.

Does this even make sense to anyone, and if so, is it even possible?!

Help me smart people!
