Hello all. I am working on creating an invoicing spreadsheet.

I have a workbook called "REF_MATERIALS_PRICING". Sheet1 is called "Category" where my categories of product are listed. Each sheet after in this workbook is one of the categories; i.e. Wire, Connectors, Components, etc..

I would like to keep everything here so that I only have to maintain one workbook for my pricing.

Within the workbook "REF_MATERIALS_PRICING"; I have a cell (A18) that is a drop-down for selecting a Category. Simple Data Validation. Works.

Then, I have a cell (B18), that allows me to select materials from the Category I have selected. I used =INDIRECT(A18). Works.

Then Finally I have cell that is the price. And here is where my novice like qualities get the best of me.
I am using the VLOOKUP function; however I don't know how to write this formula based off of the selection in Cell B18.
The formula I used is: =VLOOKUP(B18,Wire!A3:B17,2,FALSE)
Which obviously only works when in category of wire.

I'm sure this is an easy fix. Any help is greatly appreciated as always!