Hi guys

I was hoping to get some help with a formula I'm trying to use, now I have the formula right and it works, however when i drag it across my range of cells rather than incrementing as cell d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, it will just repeat d1,d2,d1,d2,d1,d2

The code im currently using looks like this:

cell 1
=IF(H$5<=H$1,'MASI Timesheet'!$D7,'MASI Timesheet'!$F7)
cell 2
=IF(I$5<=I$1,'MASI Timesheet'!$D8,'MASI Timesheet'!$F8)
As mentioned when I drag the sheet across the d7/d8 and f7/f8 just keep repeating rather than incrementing. I have played around with the $ as well but still no luck