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Formula or VBA to remove BOTH records in column, not just one

  1. #1
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    Formula or VBA to remove BOTH records in column, not just one

    Hi there,

    I'm using a solution in this thread http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=767947 as I have a lot of email addresses (700k), and I can remove duplictae funtcion BUT I want to remove the duplicate AND the original, to leave just the email addresses that occur once.

    I used the solution in the linked thread above;

    No, I would create a new column to filter on. Let's say your addresses are in A2:A5000, in E2 dragged down
    =COUNTIF($A$2:$A$5000,A2), then Filter on all values greater than 1 and delete those rows. Will that work for you?

    BUT on this many rows, it slows EXCEL right down.

    Is there;

    - a formula to flag those unique values OR
    - a VBA to extract them from the range

    or another suggestion.



  2. #2
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    Re: Formula or VBA to remove BOTH records in column, not just one

    Sort the e-mail addresses (say column A)

    Leave A1 blank

    in B2


    and drag down

    Filter on 1 and copy/paste column A to new sheet or new column

  3. #3
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    Re: Formula or VBA to remove BOTH records in column, not just one

    Thanks - that highlights the doubles where 2 the same exist - and of course would leave ALL unique values in the column, as would the 'remove duplicates' function.

    What I want to do is remove BOTH where a pair of email address the same exist.

    That would leave, those that are NOT in both of my source lists which I have combined.

  4. #4
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    Re: Formula or VBA to remove BOTH records in column, not just one

    Post a file as it is not clear what you are comparing.

  5. #5
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    Re: Formula or VBA to remove BOTH records in column, not just one

    Okay - anonymous example attached.

    I have two lists of emails. One in column A, one in column D.

    I have put BOTH into column G and sorted by name A-Z.

    I know that there are 10 emails in List1 that are NOT in LIst2.

    I need a formula in column H, applying to column G which will;

    - see both parts of a duplicate pair, and either REMOVE both - leaving the 10 unique singles
    - flag in column H where a unique single occurs, meaning I can sort column H and just see the 10 unique emails that are in list 1 and not in list 2

    Needs to run on 700k email addresses.

    Hoping that's clearer, and thanks,

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  6. #6
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    Re: Formula or VBA to remove BOTH records in column, not just one

    I've figured it out - the logic baffled me initially.

    I added the formula =IF(AND(G2<>G1, G2<>G3),"UNIQUE","PAIR") to cell H2.

    Attached is the resulting sheet, with a revised COUNT formula in I2.

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