
I need help. I am preparing an Income statement, which contains number of month written in a row and in the row below I will write the income in those month. In the end of the the 12 months there is a total of all those months. So for example the rows looks like this:

Row 1: Jan, Feb, March, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Total
Row 2: 100, 100, 100 , 100,100, 100,100, 50, 100, 100, 100, 100 1150

I need some formula that lets say that I write the text: Jun, so the total row sums from Jan until Jun. If I change the text to Aug so the total takes the sum of Jan until August.

I have also put the attachment, I need the formula in the in cell O10 titled "YTD Budget 2016"

Please advise on this and I shall be very grateful.
