Hi all,

I have a test form which requires the user to conduct 3 identical tests and record the results. with the 3 readings they need to have an average value and classify the result based on the highest value over the 3 tests.

The parameters of classification are as follows..

above 100 = Fail

Equal to or below 100 but equal to or above 51 = Class 1

Equal to or below 50 but equal to or above 26 = Class 2

Equal to or below 25 but equal to or above 11 = Class 3

Equal to or below 10 but equal to or above 6 = Class 4

Equal to or below 5 = Class 5

The formula I have is =IF(N85:V85="","",IF(N85:V85="N/A","No Requirements",MAX(IF(N85:V85>100,"Fail",IF(N85:V85>=51,1,IF(N85:V85>=26,2,IF(N85:V85>=11,3,IF(N85:V85>=6,4,5))))))))

But doesn't work. Anyone have anything up their sleeve that will work for all of the above?

Help, as always, is very highly appreciated