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List unique values matching a criteria that has duplicate values

  1. #1
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    List unique values matching a criteria that has duplicate values

    Been spending a lot of time on Google looking through different array type formulas with Index() / Match(), just can't seem to get the right combination... This doesn't seem like it should be as hard as i'm making it.

    All i want is a formula or two that can turn this:

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    Into this:

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    I'll be building off this so i'm not exactly looking for a pivot table.

  2. #2
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    Re: List unique values matching a criteria that has duplicate values

    The problem is how you've organized your desired output. Formulas don't really create separate tables of outputs. Why not just use the Remove Duplicates feature and then organize it however you want?

  3. #3
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    Re: List unique values matching a criteria that has duplicate values

    Well, the data source will change too frequently for me to want to manually produce the desired output.

    The closest thing I've found so far is illustrated below. However it only has duplicate values in column A, while i have duplicate values in columns A, B, and C.


    Is it impossible?

    *Edit: I'm assuming each column would need a slightly unique formula (A, B, C, D) if it is possible.

    *Edit: I'm open to going about this with the "Remove Duplicates" feature via VBA/Macro but is less preferable if a formula will work
    Last edited by Andrewjs; 02-10-2017 at 06:55 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: List unique values matching a criteria that has duplicate values

    So far my only idea is by making a new hidden duplicate table that is appended and arrayed like

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    Then use INDEX(MATCH()) to help grab any pattern of cells ending in "ID1"

    ....But i can't really wrap my head around the syntax to do it.. And would not be at all surprised if there's a more efficient way to do it.

    *Edit: A Pivot table almost seemed to help, but i still can't properly list which BatchNames each Person is making, with the SizeOfBatch as well.
    Last edited by Andrewjs; 02-11-2017 at 10:34 PM.

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