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TRUNC and MOD results return FALSE even when true

  1. #1
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    TRUNC and MOD results return FALSE even when true

    I am trying to set up conditional formatting on all rows that have a number column A ending in .2

    I have two possible formulas to check the applicable cell for number ending in .2. However both formulas have the same problem. They return 0.2, but the formula =[RESULT]=0.2 returns FALSE.

    Formula 1: =A1-TRUNC(A1)
    Formula 2: =MOD(A2,1)

    Any ideas what is wrong and what will work right?
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: TRUNC and MOD results return FALSE even when true

    Try this formula,

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  3. #3
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    Re: TRUNC and MOD results return FALSE even when true

    formula 1 = 0.200000000000003 so it is not equal 0.2
    formula 2 = 0.200000000000003

    try: =ROUND(A1-TRUNC(A1),1)=0.2

  4. #4
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    Re: TRUNC and MOD results return FALSE even when true

    Any ideas what is wrong and what will work right?
    Standard computer round off error. If you format B1 and B2 as scientific with 15 decimal places, you will see that both formulas result in 2.000000000000030E-01 which is not exactly equal to 0.2. The error is basically caused by the way computers do arithmetic as binary numbers, and most decimal fractions (even terminating decimals like 0.2) are not terminating decimals when converted to binary.

    MarvinP's solution works by forcing the arithmetic to work on integers only (which are exactly represented in binary) which can help with binary round off error. An interesting feature of my mentors work is to never test for exactly equal to. He would have formulated the test as ABS(result-0.2)<1e-8. Others would test ROUND(result,4)=0.2

    There are a lot of different solutions for this kind of problem. The main thing is to be aware of the possibility of rounding error and structure your programming to account for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
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  5. #5
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    Re: TRUNC and MOD results return FALSE even when true

    Thanks for the help; this was making me nuts! I'll keep the possibility of binary rounding errors in mind in the future.

  6. #6
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    Re: TRUNC and MOD results return FALSE even when true

    You are welcome
    Thanks for feedback and mark thread solved

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