Hi everyone, I have a multi-tab worksheet that pulls several queries from Access through MS Query. These tabs all have cells for both the start date and end date parameters of the queries. I have selected the "Refresh automatically when cell value changes" checkbox, (Data -> Properties -> Definition Tab -> Parameters) but as of last week, the queries stopped auto refreshing. We just had new computers installed, but I believe the version of Excel remained the same.

Interestingly, when I click in the "Get the reference from the following cell" box, the marching ants appear around the correct cell, and then the auto-update occurs. But, if I close and reopen the spreadsheet it goes back to not working. I'd like not to have my users have to go through the clicking if at all possible. If there is a switch or easy fix I'm missing please let me know. This all worked great just a week ago.

Thank you!
