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Recreate the same function, just like the MS Excel Template

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    Recreate the same function, just like the MS Excel Template

    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your visit. I need your guide to recreate the same function of the existing Ms Excel template called "Employee Attendance Tracker" that will be imported to Google Excel.

    I imported the file to a Google Excel, but due to the fact that they do not really sync together, some of the features are literally missing. I already fixed the name ranges, and I am currently missing some vital features that I really need.

    - Make the excess dates disappear. For some reason, even though the formula is already written in the imported Google Excel File, the dates are still present which is a bit out of place as they do not match the calendar. In the attached file, only the correct dates are shown in each year, while on the Google Excel File everything is shown.

    I was trying to make it disappear as well but to no afford, I really can't duplicate the same feature to Google Excel File.

    - Color markup, in the attached file versus the Google Excel File. The dates written in the Employee Leave Tracker sheet tab, are color marked up in the Calendar View in the attached file. While in the Google Excel File, it is not even showing what are the dates similar to the tab.

    This is the link for the Google Sheet:
    While the attached file is the actual template, generated from a MS Excel Template called Employee attendance tracker.

    Thank you for reading.

    Have a great day!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ebase02; 08-25-2017 at 09:37 PM.

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