
I own a pizza company. I am trying to identify customers who have not ordered from me in the past year.

I am trying to compare two customer lists to see if there are duplicative addresses. The thought is that multiple email addresses may be associated with one address. In other words, my Lapsed Customer list may show an address and note that an order was placed in 2015 using one email address, yet subsequent orders may be placed using a different email address to the same mailing address.

For example, Dad places an order to his home address in 2015 using his email address. For every ordered delivered to his house thereafter, Mom places the order using her email address. If the family is a regular customer, they should not receive the promotion, yet my Lapsed Customer list will still show Dad's email as a lapsed customer.

I am trying to avoid unintended consequenses here. The thought is that using conditional formatting and COUNTIFS statements, I can weed out customers that should not be on the list.

I have uploaded a list of the rows in my Customer Report for reference. http://www.mprvadevelopment.com/down...omer_rows.xlsx

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.