I created a DAX formula to look up a value in my data set based on three parameters. I.e. Find and sum where data fields equal, 1, 2, 3, etc...
Here is the logic, Sum column "Financial" where:
  • Account[Account 2]="42.1-Outside Search Fees"
  • Segment[Segment Name]="Adjustments"
  • Adaptive_Mapping[Level 5]="COMMERCIAL SERVICES STG GROUP"

Here is the formula...
42.1 Adj Comm STG:=CALCULATE(SUM(Financials[Financials]),Account[Account 2]="42.1-Outside Search Fees", Segment[Segment Name]="Adjustments",Adaptive_Mapping[Level 5]="COMMERCIAL SERVICES STG GROUP")

Problem is when I bring it into PowerPivot, that number is repeated everywhere, not just at the intersection in the pivot.

Here is what I see below...
This is what it currently looks like Now…

This is what I want it to look like....

What am I doing wrong???
