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Measuring a graph crossing if x is met

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    London, England
    MS-Off Ver

    Measuring a graph crossing if x is met

    Hello again guys,

    I'm trying to build a formula that somehow can vary how it reads a "crossing". Atm I have a series of formulas that calculate the location of the "dip" on the graph (if it's above its starting value). I want excel to then calculate if a level is breached (in relation to the dip) - forgeting the previous points of the graph

    This is the perfect result:


    Note the dip occurs @ 5, a formula adds 2% to this & if that level gets breached (& also finishes above that level) be labeled as "Winner".

    However, currently my forumla calculates it like this:


    This is incorrectly lablled as a "Loser", because the breach should only be valid if it occurs after the dip

    Here's another diagram, plus the workbook with all the calculations.


    This has bugged me all day! so any help would be much appreciated - feel free to ask for clarification on anything

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    Last edited by Median; 02-23-2018 at 04:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 2019

    Re: Measuring a graph crossing if x is met

    If I understand the part about 'breaching' and 'finishing above' the 'dip'+2% threshold, then perhaps this will be of some help.
    1) Paste the following formula into cell C10: =IF(AND(D6>$B6,D6<C6,D6<E6),D6*1.02,"")
    2) drag the fill handle over to cell F10,
    3) while C10:F10 are still highlighted drag the fill handle of F10 down to F13.
    4) Paste the following formula into cell C14: =IF(C10="","",IF($G6>C10,"Winner","Loser"))
    5) drag the fill handle over to F14 then down to F17.
    Steps 1-3 establish the value of the 'dip'+2%.
    Steps 4 and 5 establish winners and losers based on whether or not the final value is more than the 'dip'+2% value.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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