Hi, I have some data I got with error messages and in the messages I need to just pull out the 6 digits after the words: Sku

Is there a formula I can use to pull out this data? All of this data is stored in one cell.

Here's the data:

SKU 158768 Delete Call to v1/Products(4820065) failed. Error Your delete request for product key [4820065] failed. It is possible that the specified product does not exist or that it is associated with one or more open listings which would prevent it from being deleted.. SKU 172437 Delete Call to v1/Products(4824644) failed. Error Your delete request for product key [4824644] failed. It is possible that the specified product does not exist or that it is associated with one or more open listings which would prevent it from being deleted.. SKU 172907 Delete Call to v1/Products(4820474) failed. Error Your delete request for product key [4820474] failed. It is possible that the specified product does not exist or that it is associated with one or more open listings which would prevent it from being deleted.. SKU 173332 Delete Call to v1/Products(4820790) failed.

Here's what I want from the above data:


Thank you in advance for your help.