Good Day all,

I have been attempting to build an index/match formula to transfer data from one excel sheet to another.
However, the formula I am using is not returning the expected results.

I have 2 sheets (TheCompetitors and TheQualifications).
The Competitors sheet lists 12 competitors (1 to 12) in cells A1 to A13, and The Status of these competitors in B1 to B13. (a numerical number, from 1 to 50).

I want the details of the status column in TheCompetitors sheet to be updated into TheQualifications sheet (in Cells C4 to C15).

In TheQualifications sheet, I have inputed the following formula into cells C4 to C15, however, I am not getting the correct results.

The formula is: =INDEX(TheCompetitors!$A$2:$A$11,MATCH(B4,TheCompetitors!$B$2:$B$11,0)+0,0)))

Cells B4 to B15 lists the competitors Number in best to worst order.

I know this request is very cryptic, however, I don't have the expertise to insert an image or a spreadsheet.. I apologise for my lack of expertise.

Any assistance will be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards..gsdanger