hi, i have been trying to solve my vlookup formula however i couldnt find what wrong with it.

basically what im trying to do is that when the user input the timing, there will be animal output in another cell. the reason is that I will like to do dependent drop downlist.

here is the array, E7:F24:

10:30:00 Ant
11:00:00 Bear
11:30:00 Cat
12:00:00 Dolphin
12:30:00 Elephant
13:00:00 Fox
13:30:00 Gorilla
14:00:00 Horse
14:30:00 Iguana
15:00:00 Jaguar
15:30:00 Kangaroo
16:00:00 Leopard
16:30:00 Mouse
17:00:00 Scorpion
17:30:00 Octupus
18:00:00 Peguin
18:30:00 Tiger
19:00:00 Rabbit

customer will select timing in the cell V4. In cell BG3=V4 (the same timing of the user selected) while the below cell, BG4 = BG3+0.5/24 (interval of 30mins), BG5 =BG4+0.5/24 and so on. the lookup formula will be right beside BG column

this is my formula for vlookup: =VLOOKUP(BG3,Lists!E7:F24,2,TRUE)

and why is the outcome is repetetive?????