Hello -

After struggling with this issue I decided to register here and see if anyone can help me. I would really, really appreciate it! My base sheet is a large table of information that is constantly being added to. In sheet #2 I have sorted the information by ID #, which correlates to date, in descending order (ie. most recent at the top of the sheet). I've done this because I needed to sort other categories by most recent, something I already figured out. THE ISSUE: On sheet #3, I want to pull the top five most recent entries (the same dates with different info are okay) for both the categories "Chasis" and "NVH" from sheet #2, along with the information associated with them in the other columns of the table on sheet #2. I've attached an abbreviated version of what my workbook looks like. Sheet #1 doesn't really matter so I've just included sheet #2 and #3. The summary sheet shows what I want to happen based on the table in sheet #2.

sheet #2

id date category location PN SN description
4/7/2018 Chasis interior numbers words or numbers words
4/15/2018 tire front right numbers words or numbers words
4/15/2018 NVH interior numbers words or numbers words
3/12/2018 NVH rear right numbers words or numbers words
3/12/2018 Chasis general numbers words or numbers words
3/1/2018 Chasis front numbers words or numbers words
3/1/2018 Chasis front left numbers words or numbers words
3/1/2018 wheel front numbers words or numbers words
2/28/2018 NVH general numbers words or numbers words
2/28/2018 NVH front numbers words or numbers words
2/27/2018 Chasis front left numbers words or numbers words
2/27/2018 mount rear left numbers words or numbers words
2/20/2018 NVH trunk numbers words or numbers words
2/15/2018 tire front right numbers words or numbers words

sheet #3

date category ranking by date location PN SN Description
4/7/2018 Chasis 1 interior numbers words or numbers words
3/12/2018 Chasis 2 general numbers words or numbers words
3/1/2018 Chasis 3 front numbers words or numbers words
3/1/2018 Chasis 4 front left numbers words or numbers words
2/27/2018 Chasis 5 front left numbers words or numbers words
4/15/2018 NVH 1 interior numbers words or numbers words
3/12/2018 NVH 2 rear right numbers words or numbers words
2/28/2018 NVH 3 general numbers words or numbers words
2/28/2018 NVH 4 front numbers words or numbers words
2/20/2018 NVH 5 trunk numbers words or numbers words

Give it a try and let me know!

- Emma