Hi Excel Gurus!

I'm hoping you can help. I work as Document Control in a company that will eventually transfer our DC from Excel to a Document Management System in the next handful of weeks. What I'm hoping to do is setup my personal document control Excel tracker so that on the main page I have a master list of things coming in, and separate worksheets for the different action stages of a document (nomenclature, approval, internal review, external review, signature).

What I would like to see on this master list are columns for nomenclature, document title, revision, date in, action required, and date complete. Then depending on what is in the action required column for that row, I would like to see that row copied into a new line on the worksheet that matches that action. Then once that action is closed on the worksheet, I'd like to have the date closed copied back to the master list.

Is this something that can be easily done? How would you suggest going about this?

Many, many thanks in advance!!!!