Hey everyone,

A while ago I posted a question on this forum to receive a formula that would automatically put data from my excel journal entries into the right ledger.
This formula has worked flawless for me over the past few months, in several excel files.
Unfortunately when i tried to make a new accountancy sheet today, the formula did not work entirely correct somehow.

The formula mentioned is:
=IFERROR(INDEX('Journal Entries'!$A$3:$A$5000;AGGREGATE(15;6;(ROW($3:$5000)-1)/('Journal Entries'!$B$3:$B$5000=B$2);ROW(1:1)));"")

To explain the formula:
Copy (Journal Entries A3 to A5000) if the sell next to it (Journal entries B3 to B5000) matches cell B2.

The formula works in all my excel files, except in my new excel file it returns the answer "0" eventhough it should copy the data from that particular cell.
Another weird issue, is that i have tried to use the formula in an excel sheet in which the formula works, only changing the name of the worksheet, and it sill gives me a 0 value.

So basically:

The formula works in the sence that it copies the value in cell A3 to A5000 if the value in cell B3 to B5000 matches B2, but instead of copying the value it shows a 0 value.

I have "Allow Iritated Cells" checked.

Could anyone help me with the issue please?

Thanks in advance