So here is what I want to do. Column B is a list of names. Columns C and D are descriptive columns that are not important. Columns E-O are up to 10 more names that are linked to column B. Column B are all unique names, but E-O can have duplicates by different column Bs. I hope that is clear.

Anyway, what I want to do is conditionally format columns E-O so that if the name in the cell matches any in column B, it will highlight a different color. This way I can later go through and add the unhighlighted names to column B, giving them their own row. I assume this will be using the match command, but I can't figure out the formatting, nor how to apply the format to all the columns I wish. I'd also like to make it so if I enter a name into column B that is already there, it will turn red. I'd appreciate any advice.