
I have a formula which is working well in its current form, but I want to add one more match function to it. If it doesn’t match, I want it to return a value of 0. Have I messed up the syntax?

Current Formula (works fine):
=iferror(index('Source Data'!$A$1:$CE$700,match($A595,'Source Data'!$A:$A,0),MATCH(F$5,'Source Data!$3:$3)),"-")

Amended Formula (doesn’t work):
=iferror(index('Source Data'!$A$1:$CE$700,match($A594,'Data Source'!$A:$A,0),MATCH(F$5,'Data Source'!$3:$3),match(B594,B7:B17,0),"-"))

Any insight would be super helpful! Thank you!