Hi !

I have a worksheet which needs to lookup certain value from another sheet on the same workbook. However, it is returning blank. The original sheet does have blank cells in the lookup_vector - so I tried filling up the list but still Im getting a blank result.

Where the lookup formula is:
(Note : the forumula was originally (=lookup(D9,Total SO DCL!$D$9:$D$10000,Total SO DCL!$A$9:$A$10000). But since that was also giving me blank results I tried the other way).

Excel Query March 25, 2019 Page 1.JPG

The lookup_vector it is referencing and the result_vector.Excel Query March 25, 2019 Page 2.JPG

Ive used lookup many times. In fact, this workbook is full of lookup and VLookup formulae. But I cant for the life of me figure out why in this particular instance there are blank results.

Help would be appreciated.

Thanks a million.
