Hi there,

At work we have pricing spreadsheets which are linked by formula to other spreadsheets.

To simplify we have 3 spreadsheets

1. Excel file which lists product, MOQ and cost per kilos - This is a Remote File saved on our network drive but linked via OneDrive.
2. Exchange rate Excel file which is updated by us - Saved network file
3. Excel spreadsheet with all our shipping costs - Saved network file

Then - we have the main pricing spreadsheet which links all these files together and provides us with a landed cost which we can use to quote our customers with.

The formulas used are as follows:

1. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B4,'https://omegaingredients-my.sharepoint.com/personal/melissa_omegaingredients_co_uk/Documents/[Destilla Pricing July-Sept 2018.xlsx]Jul-Sept 18 Destilla Pricing'!$B$2:$R$500,6,0),"not found")
3. =SUM('O:\Records\OMEGA\Services\!Shipping\[Omega Export Rates Feb 2019.xlsx]Sheet1'!$F$15)

Please can somebody help us understand why these links do not automatically update without us having to open each file manually. I've exhausted Google and followed all the recommendations provided but still not luck.... is it something to do with the formulas?

All files were created on the same version of Excel..

Thank you!!