Hello everyone,

I am having issues with SUMPRODUCT on a worksheet I have. How do I have excel evaluate the criteria based off of the displayed value instead of the formula? If I override the formula by hard-keying the date and time, it works instantly! However, I need it to work without having to do that for every single line since the worksheet does a lot of VLOOKUPS to organize the data in a certain way I need to look at it.

=SUMPRODUCT(('Pivot Tables'!$BW$2:$BW$2000>=D2)*('Pivot Tables'!$BW$2:$BW$2000<=E2))
Where BW is a date that is referencing another worksheet that is the result of VLOOKUPS organizing data in a way I can't change easily. Again, if I were to go through each line in BW and hard key the same date and time, it works automatically!

Thanks all!