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Calendar won't auto populate for start stop dates

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    Question Calendar won't auto populate for start stop dates

    I've been working on a shorthand calendar for my office's shared outlook calendar. We have too many people and too many things going on to printout the normal office calendar and when we can get it to fit it's too small to read well.

    my calendar works great when the events are only one day, but if they last longer it only shows the first day. I'm not sure how to work my code to change that.

    Also for some reason my vlookup function doesn't want to work when grabbing employee id numbers. It either gives me a #N/A or REF! error and I can't figure out why.

    I uploaded the calendar below.
    Thanks for any help.
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    Last edited by rose8693; 05-15-2019 at 08:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert José Augusto's Avatar
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    Re: Calendar won't auto populate for start stop dates

    Some suggestions:

    1) Do not add an extra space to Employee name

    2) The VLOOKUP do note use the column number of Excel Sheet. Use the column of the range you pass to that function. So
    =VLOOKUP(AR2,$AI$2:$AJ$12,36,0)) must be =VLOOKUP(AR2,$AI$2:$AJ$12,2,0))

    3) Use Horizontal Alignment 'Center in selection' instead Merge cells whenever possible.

    4) Use the following formula in C4 and copy down and forward
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    See the file for clarification
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