I am struggling with a COUNTIF formula. I previously achieved success but now I want to add the option of choosing criteria so it is dynamic. Best explained, I need to be able to Count the number of times: "CEO-CFO"; "President"; "Manager" appear in each question (5 separate questions - so 5 different counts). But then I also want the count to change based on the criteria chosen. I will choose from a drop down menu the criteria, the criteria is coming from different columns in a table in another worksheet or I simply can choose All and I want the total count.

On the Calculation tab: In E2:E11 is the criteria to be chosen. B17:D21 is where I am trying to complete the COUNT.
Data: CRITERIA LOOK-UP for 'Calculation'!E2:E11 is in the tab 'Data'!C; 'Data'!S; 'Data'!D; 'Data'!H; 'Data'!C;'Data'!R;'Data'!T and Questions for the COUNT in Columns J:N

I have tried several things: COUNTIFs; SUM IFS and I cannot get anything to work.

File is attached

Any help is greatly appreciated!