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CUBEMEMBER dynamic caption

  1. #1
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    CUBEMEMBER dynamic caption

    Hey all, this is my first post so I hope to manage and make a valid and well defined post, if not please give me some feedback.

    I am trying to change the caption displayed in a cell containing a CUBEMEMBER function. I know that I can hardtype any name using " ", or reference another cell, but what I need is to pick a name from another column of the same table.

    Here is the formula:
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    I would like to choose a name coming from the same row but a different column of my table D_DIM_MEASURES, let's say the column [NAME].

    I am trying the following but without success:
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    Any help much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Bob Phillips's Avatar
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    Re: CUBEMEMBER dynamic caption

    You could embed a CUBEMEMBER function in the caption argument, but what name would you be pulling back?

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