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Help with Index and Small formula to look up data in multiple columns

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    Help with Index and Small formula to look up data in multiple columns

    Good morning all,

    I'm hoping someone can help me with a formula i'm having a bit of trouble getting to work. Although i feel i have the foundations of the formula correct i cannot seem to get it to work as it should.

    I've got a set of data which includes types of Fruit and Recipes that can be made from that fruit. Each combination of fruit and recipe is further categorised into a 2 further categories - Letters (A to J) and Numbers (1 to 8). Each combination of fruit and recipe will have a proportion of letters (that add to 1) and a proportion of numbers (that add to 1). These 2 further categories need to be treated independently so the sum of the proportion each add to 1.

    I have included the data set as an attachment as it is a little tricky to explain but as an example -

    Baked Apple has a proportion of Numbers as 50% to category 2 and 50% to category 5 as well as a proportion of Letters as 20% each allocated to B, C, D, E & F.

    What i want to be able to do is for each combination of fruit and recipe type eg Baked Apple i want to alongside this combination list all the possible combinations of numbers and letters that are greater than 0%. For this example there are 10 possible combinations - 2 & B, 2 & C, 2 & D, 2 & E, 2 & F, 3 & B, 3 & C, 3 & D, 3 & E, 3 & F.

    The attachment includes the input data set as well as the output data set which for this set of data i have created manually to show but in actual fact i will need to replicate on a much larger different set of data.

    The formula i have tried uses Index as well as Small and Column/Row to try and produce what is in the output worksheet highlighted in yellow but cannot seem to pull it off.

    Any help with this would be much appreciated.
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