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XLOOKUP obtaining a value from another table that has an apostrophe prefix in the cell

  1. #1
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    Post XLOOKUP obtaining a value from another table that has an apostrophe prefix in the cell


    I have a spreadsheet that imports data using an OBDC driver and creates a table. I cannot modify the data format that it comes in during the refresh etc.

    When the data in that table for Unit ID is displayed it looks like 0605 but in fact is '0605

    I am seriously trying to get a cell in a worksheet that does not have an ' prefix 0605 to match a cell in the table that does '0605

    I have looked for 5 days to find an answer but have failed, so that's why I am here.

    The formula I am using is:

    =XLOOKUP(B2,SO_DataSet[Unit ID],SO_DataSet[Sales Order Number],"No SO",0,1)

    So I want to perform a match 0605 to a modified 0605 (now missing ' ) and then pull from the table the Sales Order Number

    Would really appreciate the assistance, Greg

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: XLOOKUP obtaining a value from another table that has an apostrophe prefix in the cell

    B2 = 605 as its a number and will remove the leading 0
    is that correct ?
    what is in B2

    how is 0605 entered
    is it formatted as text
    if so then it should still work
    as the ' changes to text
    and should work

    perhaps a sample spreadsheet explain the issues and examples

    OR as its imported does it have ' visible

    =XLOOKUP(B2,SO_DataSet[Unit ID],SO_DataSet[Sales Order Number],"No SO",0,1)

    =XLOOKUP("'"&B2,SO_DataSet[Unit ID],SO_DataSet[Sales Order Number],"No SO",0,1)
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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: XLOOKUP obtaining a value from another table that has an apostrophe prefix in the cell


    B2 = 605 as its a number and will remove the leading 0
    is that correct ? > B2 is formatted as text and is 0605 in the cell
    what is in B2 > 0605

    how is 0605 entered
    is it formatted as text > Yes
    if so then it should still work
    as the ' changes to text
    and should work

    > In the table SO_Dataset[Unit ID] its imported as '0605

    perhaps a sample spreadsheet explain the issues and examples

    OR as its imported does it have ' visible > Yes Its also a text field

    =XLOOKUP(B2,SO_DataSet[Unit ID],SO_DataSet[Sales Order Number],"No SO",0,1)

    =XLOOKUP("'"&B2,SO_DataSet[Unit ID],SO_DataSet[Sales Order Number],"No SO",0,1)

    > I am trying this formulae at the moment and it seems to work:

    > =XLOOKUP(B2,CLEAN(SO_DataSet[Unit ID]),SO_DataSet[Sales Order Number],"No SO",0,1)

    I will advise if it works as expected, thanks for the quick response, Greg

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