When I import performance data I get a column that is a mashup of the work order and the tech name.

8080222222 -Boliver.Shagglenasty
8236541245 -Boliver.Shagglenasty
2589764318 -Boliver.Shagglenasty1
9371824679 -Boliver.Shagglenasty1
7193824613 -Boliver.Shagglenasty2

I don't need the wo # but I do need the name.

I use
to isolate the name. The 19 is the actual number but won't look right with the above because I changed up the WO numbers to avoid any issues with proprietary info.

Then I have an automated find/repl that gets the period out and replaces it with a space.

Selection.Replace What:=".", Replacement:=" ", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Usually I'm good. But, the source data sometimes has a numeric attachment as shown above. My method doesn't see or remove that. When I roll up name-based data the numerics are not counted since they don't match the other name.

I need to fix it so that any numeral(s) at the end is/are removed. And right now I am drawing a blank.

Any ideas? Any discussion welcomed. No idea is too crazy. Thanks for reading everyone.