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Preventing duplicates in separate sections of the same column

  1. #1
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    Preventing duplicates in separate sections of the same column

    Hi, I am trying to use data validation to create a rota for work where you can't put the same person in two places at once. I am happy using the count if function to prevent duplicates e.g. =countif(A1:A5, A1)=1. My issue is that I need to include different sections in the same column for my data validation. e.g. A1:A5 and A12:17 but not the middle cells. Is there a way to do this with the count if data validation?

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Preventing duplicates in separate sections of the same column

    hard to say without any workbook to play with, but perhaps combine 3 countif() with AND?
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