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Formula to concatenate two cell values only when both cells contain text

  1. #1
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    Formula to concatenate two cell values only when both cells contain text

    Dear all,

    I tried to concatenate two cell values and intersperse the two cell values with a semicolon only when both cells contain text; in Excel 2007, using formulas only.

    Interestingly, the following did NOT work:
    as it apparently evaluates all the IF statements as FALSE, independent of the contents of the cells E2 and Q2.
    Although it does not produce an error message,
    t looks like one can NOT meaningfully combine ISBLANK and TRIM in this nested way,
    nor can one meaningfully combine ISBLANK and CLEAN in a similarly nested way.

    I therefore have two questions:
    1. Is there is a formula to perform the conditional concatenation if cells contain blanks or other invisible characters ?
    2. Why can one not meaningfully nest TRIM or CLEAN within ISBLANK ?

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Formula to concatenate two cell values only when both cells contain text

    Try it like this:


    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
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    Re: Formula to concatenate two cell values only when both cells contain text

    That helps a lot, Pete !
    Thanks for your excellent solution !

  4. #4
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    Re: Formula to concatenate two cell values only when both cells contain text

    I'm still curious as to why combining the ISBLANK and TRIM / CLEAN functions doesn't work.

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