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How to identify a column

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2010

    How to identify a column

    I am using the following procedure to identify a range and send it another procedure, MakeMatrix, which sets out a matrix of borders to its cells
    Sub Matrix2(StartPlace, YearLen)
     StartCol = StartPlace + 5
     EndCol = StartCol + YearLen
      lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, StartPlace + 1).End(xlUp).Row
     With Sheets("Sheet1")
     .Range(.Cells(1, StartCol), .Cells(1, EndCol - 2)).Name = "MatrixRange1"
      MakeMatrix "MatrixRange1"
      .Range(.Cells(3, StartCol), .Cells(lrow, EndCol - 2)).Name = "MatrixRange2"
      MakeMatrix "MatrixRange2"
      End With
    End Sub
    My problem comes to light when I discover Range("MatrixRange2") has no borders or lines. The reason turns out to be that lrow has a value of 1.
    This is odd in that the value of StartPlace is as expected and the next column on (StartPlace+1), at present, has the last occupied row of 148.
    What I want to do is to identify which column my code is actually looking at. I thought of using WorkbookFunction.Address but this is not possible. I am stuck and would welcome some help.

  2. #2
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    Re: How to identify a column

    Not clear what YearLen represents?, or whether StartPLace is a "fixed" cell or column? So made this to generate random ranges.
    Click button and Messagebox tells you which columns are covered in the Ranges. You need only one message because you set both your ranges to start and end with the same columns, only differing in the row at which they start.
    Option Explicit
    Dim EndCol As Integer, FirstCol As Integer, lrow As Integer, StartPlace As Integer, StartCol As Integer, YearLen As Integer
    Dim MatrixRange1 As Range, MatrixRange2 As Range
        Sub Matrix2()
        lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, StartPlace + 1).End(xlUp).Row
        If lrow < 3 Then lrow = 3
        YearLen = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(2, lrow)
        StartPlace = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 20)
        StartCol = StartPlace + 5
        EndCol = StartCol + YearLen
        If EndCol > 26 Then EndCol = 26
        With Sheets("Sheet1")
        Set MatrixRange1 = .Range(.Cells(1, StartCol), .Cells(1, EndCol - 2))
        MsgBox "Ranges start at Column " & .Cells(1, StartCol) & " to Column " & .Cells(1, EndCol-2)
        Set MatrixRange2 = .Range(.Cells(3, StartCol), .Cells(1, EndCol - 2))
        End With
    End Sub
    NOTE: Just realised attached sample hasn't offset the End Col, so you need to change the Set Matrix rows on it from ".Cells(1, EndCol)" to ".Cells(1, EndCol - 2)"

    Hope this helps

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    Last edited by Ochimus; 12-03-2020 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: How to identify a column

    Many thanks for your interest. I shall not be back in operation till Monday, when I shall be using your input. I will let you know how I get on.
    Something very odd is going on. If step through my code, all works, if I run it lrow takes a value 0f 1 and there is no matrix.

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