I have been attempting to extract the first series of letters and the last series of numbers from a cell. I have tried using the MIN(), FIND(), RIGHT(), and LEFT() functions but have not been successful as my experience is limited with these functions. The premise is simple enough. Lets assume Column-A has alpha-numeric text strings. The strings will not always be the same length but will be composed the same.

A1= ".DIS210430C177.5"
A2 =".TSLA210430P500"
A3= ".SHOP210430C1020"

I would need Column-B to list the first series of letters in each row (B1="DIS", B2="TSLA", and B3=SHOP). The letters will ALWAYS follow a decimal point and will not always be the same length.

I would need Column-C to list the last series of numbers, to include any decimal points (C1= "177.5", C2= "500", C3= "1020") The numbers will ALWAYS follow a "C" or a "P" and will not always be the same length.

For some reason I can't wrap my head around how to accomplish this.....any and all help would be HUGELY appreciated!!!!

Thank you in advance!!
