I have a spreadsheet that takes meal booking data and summarises it in another column.
The below formula is being used to show the text "Main 1" if it can't find certain words in column c or to leave the text as it if it does find them on our dinner bookings spreadsheet.
The problem is that blank cells (where no booking has been made) are also showing as main 1 and I need them to remain blank in this instance.
The formula was done from searching on forums before so may not be the simplest way of doing this.

=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(NOT(ISERR(SEARCH({"Home Sandwiches","Margherita","Vegetarian","vegetable","quorn","cauliflower","butternut","ratatouille","Veggie","Cheese & Onion","Chickpea","Cheese & Tomato","Bean burger","Cheesy","Free","Jacket Potato"},C4)))))>0,C4,"Main 1")

Hope this makes sense and apologies if this is a simple thing and I'm just being daft! Many thanks