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Excel bar graph multiple data sets

  1. #1
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    Excel bar graph multiple data sets


    I've tried to make a excel file showing what I want to illustrate.

    I have three data sets: Total Sales (which includes chair sales), chair sales and competitor sales.

    I want to make a bar graph with two bars per time interval (per quarter). The first bar should only be Competitor sales by itself. The second bar should be Total sales, but which also includes chair sales, in order to show how big portion of total sales comes from chairs.

    I've only managed to create the graph either with all three data sets in three different bars or them all merged in one bar. Can someone help me with this?

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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Excel bar graph multiple data sets

    You need to modify the data layout so there is an empty row between Total and Chair.

    Create clustered column chart for all 4 series.
    Move Chair and Competitor series to secondary axis
    Delete secondary axis, so they use the same vertical scale.

    The chair series should now sit infront of Total and competitor is on it's own
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