
Sorry for the lack of code or example, but I will try and explain what I want to do (I suspect that it may need to be done in VBA, but I'd prefer it to be within a formula work around). What I am trying to is have a row of text with a drop down that only has two choices (could be blank, but for this sake lets say they all say "NO", but could be changed to "YES"). What I want to happen is when someone changes a NO to a YES, then the row makes a check and changes any other "Yes's" to "NO's." This would only allow one Yes to be present in the row at a time and not require the user to check the entire row to make sure there wasn't a duplicate. Any help, input or known similar scenarios would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure I have the capability in my workplace to use VBA, but if we do, and this is the only solution someone can provide, Please walk me through the process like i'm a 5 y/o. I haven't implemented it before....lol.

Thanks for the help