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Need a formula/function to reverse order

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    Need a formula/function to reverse order

    Been a while since I've been to this Forum, but back again for some more help.

    I need a way to "invert" rows that I am copying and pasting.

    Unfortunately, I am forced to copy HTML and paste into a .xls spreadsheet. The HTML appears to be in columns/rows, but there is no way to sort those rows on the website I am getting it from previous to copying, so with Ctrl-C, what I get is what I get. The problem is that the website shows it in reverse chronological order - newest at top to oldest at bottom - so when pasted to the spreadsheet it is opposite to what I want it. I want to reverse it to oldest at top to newest at bottom.

    When pasting as text to the spreadsheet, it separates into 7 rows. But, again, in the wrong chronological order.

    I've attached (I hope it attached) a simple example. I added the border lines to this example for clarity only, to separate the duplication of the 7 rows, they are not pasting in.

    And a secondary problem is that the number of rows pasted is variable. Those 7 rows can repeat themselves over and over anywhere from 12 times to 50 times from different copies from the website. But, I need the resultant information at the top of the sheet after reversal, and not having umpteen blank rows on top.

    In the example attached, Column A is what results when pasted as Text. Column C is what I need it to look like, with no blank rows at top, which would result from a simple static manipulating of the original rows in Column A (i.e. entering =A21 in cell C1).

    In other words, one time I copy and paste this HTML from the website, it will have 15 times the 7 rows in Column A of the example. The next time I paste it from the website, it might have 33 times the 7 rows. The third time, maybe 24 rows, etc. It's most always a variable number of rows. I cannot make anything static to reverse the rows in Column A to achieve Column C without blank rows at the top.

    Hope I've explained this well enough, and that the example is attached.

    Thanks for any help.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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