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Show Max date & mileage based on multiple criteria's

  1. #1
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    Show Max date & mileage based on multiple criteria's

    Hi, if i've posted this in the wrong room, please forgive me.

    I am trying to get my sheet to show the date and the mileage of when a vehicle was serviced based on one column having 'yes - mechanical'. I know it's a MAXIF formula, but where I struggle is the additional criteria if it's a service or not.
    As I coordinate a fleet of vehicles, and they seem to have a love affair with Google Sheets, i'm rehashing their current format where you type in the particulars for a particular vehicle, then back on another sheet, enter the date & mileage again.
    So on the data tab where I type in the vehicle id, date, select 'no' or 'yes - mechanical', mileage, on the info tab, beside the vehicles id, the code would show the date & mileage in two seperate columns of when the said vehicle was last serviced.

    I can provide a dummy file of the data if you require it further explained.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Show Max date & mileage based on multiple criteria's

    Yes, we need to know what columns you are using in order to suggest a formula, so attach a sample Excel workbook by following the guidelines in the yellow banner at the top of the screen.


  3. #3
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    Re: Show Max date & mileage based on multiple criteria's

    In the tab titled 'Data'

    A is vehicle id
    C is date
    H is service (multiple choice of either No, Yes - Mechanical, Yes - Air Conditioning
    J is KM

    In the tab titled 'Summary'
    B is vehicle id
    P is last service date
    Y is last service km
    AS is the AC service date

    So when I enter the data into the 'Data' tab, when I go back to the 'Summary' tab, it'll look at what the vehicle id is for each row, then look at the Data tab entries and populate the date & km there.

    Hope that clears things up a little.

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