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Formula to know who is most improved in team score

  1. #1
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    Formula to know who is most improved in team score

    Hello there,

    I have made an excel doc to track the scores of my online racing game team.

    I am wondering which formula would work to take data from the tab "Score Overview" and find out who is the most improved over the course of the team events. The "Score Overview" tab is a place where people can easily see their scores per event and see their average score across all events. This data is taken from the tabs with names of the month. Events last from 1-5 or 6 times running the same event before switching. The names of the events are under the tabs with month names.

    I would like to make a new tab which people can see at a glance what their starting score of each event was and then what their highest score was - hoping this will give a sense of "Most Improved".

    I am not super familiar with excel and have no idea how to do this or even where to start.

    Could someone point me in the right direction?

    Find my doc attached.

    I am using Office/Excel 2019.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Formula to know who is most improved in team score

    Starting Score =INDEX($D6:$AA6,MATCH(TRUE,LEN($D6:$AA6)>0,0))
    Ending Score =LOOKUP(2,1/($D6:$AA6<>""),$D6:$AA6)
    Highest Score =MAX($D6:$AA6)
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  3. #3
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    Re: Formula to know who is most improved in team score

    Thank you Joseph for your help on this!

    Sorry for my excel igorance... I understand how to put each formula into a cell and have it return a value, but when I place the first formula into a cell it returns "#Value!".

    What I'm hoping to see happen is to have a separate tab (which I have now made)show how much each person improved in each event (I have also labelled "Score Overview" with the events).

    You can see in "Most Improved" tab that I have tried to put two of your formulas into one cell to return the difference between the highest and lowest. I don't think it worked.

    Is it possible to combine all the formulas into one cell so that as I place info from future events into "Score Overview" that it would automatically produce the improvement in scores for each player into "Most improved"?

    Obviously I will need to manually enter the names of the events in "Most IMproved" as I have already done. I am fine with doing that.

    Any help would be appreciated.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Formula to know who is most improved in team score

    You were using the difference between "Highest Score" and "Ending Score". Anyway, what will your formula be to calculate the "Most Improved"?

  5. #5
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    Re: Formula to know who is most improved in team score

    I'm unsure. That is why I have posted asking the question. I really don't know much about excel formula's, but I love the power excel has and want to figure out how to harness it for this situation.

    Well, I feel even more noob. I just realized I never downloaded your first attachment. Now that I have I can see what you've done. I will probably combine your max and min into one cell(max-min) which will do the trick for me (I think).

    Thanks for your help!

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