First timer here so please go easy on me. I have 2 columns. Column A has only True or False values whereas Column B has different dates and some cells are blanks.
In column C, I want to add a Function which looks at column A first and if it is True in Column A then i want "YES" in column C and if False in column A then i want the formula to look at Column B for any cells that are "NOT BLANK" in which case it should return a YES in column C. If column A is false and column B is blank then i want "NO" in column C. I hope it makes sense.
I have tried IFs with NOT and ISBLANK but cant seem to get it to work but i know Im not great at complicated IF functions so i must be missing something quite obvious somewhere.
I have also tried =IF(AND(A2="FALSE",B2=""),"NO","YES") & =IF(OR(A2="TRUE",B2<>""),"Yes","No") but they both dont seem to give me the desired results.
Im also attaching the data sample which shows what i need in column C for different scenarios and explained the reasoning in column D for your ease.
Please let me know if you need any further details.