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IF function

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  1. #1

    IF function

    How do I determine the font color of a cell with an IF function?
    This is how I would think its done (the following formula could be in B1):
    IF A1=red,"RED","BLACK"
    If the font color in A1 is red, then RED is printed in B1, otherwise BLACK
    is printed in B1.
    but this does not work. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Myrna Larson

    Re: IF function

    You would need to write a VBA macro (UDF) that returns the font color, either
    as a number or as text, and check the result of that function in your IF

    If the font color is determined by conditional formatting, your formula can
    use the same formula that you used in CF.

    On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 20:21:02 -0800, "esha734"
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >How do I determine the font color of a cell with an IF function?
    >This is how I would think its done (the following formula could be in B1):
    >IF A1=red,"RED","BLACK"
    >If the font color in A1 is red, then RED is printed in B1, otherwise BLACK
    >is printed in B1.
    >but this does not work. Any suggestions?

  3. #3

    IF function


    This isn't a very straight forward thing to accomplish in

    Here's one way: (I assume that you are only interested in
    either RED or BLACK)

    You have to create a named formula and then call that
    named formula in your IF function.

    Goto Insert>Name>Define

    Name: TextColor

    In the Refers To box enter this formula:


    Now, in cell B1 you can enter this formula to test for red
    or black text in cell A1:


    Important: this formula will not automatically update
    if/when the text color changes. You would have to do a
    manual calculation by hitting F9 or wait until an
    automatic calculation is triggered by some other event.
    That's just the way it is! Can't do anything about it.

    For more detailed info, see:




    >-----Original Message-----
    >How do I determine the font color of a cell with an IF

    >This is how I would think its done (the following formula

    could be in B1):
    >IF A1=red,"RED","BLACK"
    >If the font color in A1 is red, then RED is printed in

    B1, otherwise BLACK
    >is printed in B1.
    >but this does not work. Any suggestions?

  4. #4

    RE: IF function


    I've just learned this by Arvi. Include Only this VBA/Macro:

    Public Function FontColor(MyCell As Range) As Variant
    FontColor = MyCell.Font.ColorIndex
    End Function

    Then use the new Function:

    Since Excel don´t recognize Colours as "necessary to recalculate", add Now():


  5. #5

    RE: IF function

    >Since Excel don=C2=B4t recognize Colours as "necessary to=20
    >recalculate", add Now():

    How does NOW() affect the calculation?

    NOW() doesn't cause a calculation. This will have no=20
    effect in the formula. Are you thinking that because NOW()=20
    is volatile this causes a calculation? It doesn't.


    >-----Original Message-----
    >I've just learned this by Arvi. Include Only this=20

    >Public Function FontColor(MyCell As Range) As Variant
    > FontColor =3D MyCell.Font.ColorIndex
    >End Function
    >Then use the new Function:=20
    >Since Excel don=C2=B4t recognize Colours as "necessary to=20

    recalculate", add Now():

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