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Formula to Sum a definable range of workbooks

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  1. #1

    Formula to Sum a definable range of workbooks

    I have created a workbook that collects daily data on 31 worksheets (1 per
    day) and I am now trying to create a summary sheet at the end.

    I am trying to create a formula that will allow a user to enter a start date
    and end date which will provide a sum of all the work completed between the
    given range. Somthing along the lines of :

    sum ('$A$1:$B$1'!C1)

    Where $A$1 and $B$1 refer to two cells which contain the name of the first
    and last worksheet in the range (the worksheets are called
    '1','2','3'...'31') and C1 is the cell to be calculated.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Matt Chattaway

  2. #2
    Peo Sjoblom

    RE: Formula to Sum a definable range of workbooks

    One possible way would be to put all sheet names in a column/row aqnd then
    use a workaround, assume you put 1 - 31 in Z1 - Z31 (you need to creat a
    whole list of the sheet names in use), I used column Z because it is off the
    normal display of a spreadsheet and you can even use a nother sheet and hide
    that sheet if you want, assume we use Z1:Z31, you still use A1 and B1 for the
    sheets involved, then this formula will work



    Peo Sjoblom

    "mr_chattaway" wrote:

    > I have created a workbook that collects daily data on 31 worksheets (1 per
    > day) and I am now trying to create a summary sheet at the end.
    > I am trying to create a formula that will allow a user to enter a start date
    > and end date which will provide a sum of all the work completed between the
    > given range. Somthing along the lines of :
    > sum ('$A$1:$B$1'!C1)
    > Where $A$1 and $B$1 refer to two cells which contain the name of the first
    > and last worksheet in the range (the worksheets are called
    > '1','2','3'...'31') and C1 is the cell to be calculated.
    > Thanks in advance for your help.
    > Matt Chattaway

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