I need help making a table in Excel 2000. I want to make a table in a
worksheet (sheet 2) that incorporates numbers (calculation 1 & caculation 2)
that are calculated in another worksheet (worksheet 1) in the same workbook.
The 1st column of the table contains a list of numbers (loan amounts). The
2nd and 3rd columns are to contain numbers (calculation 1 & calculation 2)
that correspond to the loan amounts in the 1st column. Worksheet 1 is a
modified loan amortization calculator. Calculation 1 & calculation 2 are
specific to the loan amount entered. In the table, the 1st cell of the 1st
column will be 10,000 and increase by 5,000 increments. When I enter a loan
amount in the calculator (worksheet 1), I want calculation 1 & 2 to be placed
in the 2nd & 3rd columns of the table and in the row that corresponds to to
the loan amount entered in the calculator.
For example: in the table, the 1st row will have 10,000 in the 1st column.
When 10,000 is entered in the calculator, calculation 1 & calculation 2 would
be entered in columns 2 & 3 of the 1st row. The 2nd row of the table will
have 15,000 in the 1st column. When 15,000 is entered in the calculator,
calculation 1 & calculation 2 for that amount would be entered in column 2 &
3 of the 2nd row, and so on down the table.
I will be making 8 separate tables. Each table will have the same loan
amounts in column 1. Calculation 1 & 2 will be different because a different
interest rate will be used.
Thank you for your help.